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What else? Some favorite quotes I guess?

"Humans are actually quite good at doing two or three things at a time, and seem to get offended if their computer cannot do as much."

Andrew D. Birrell
An Introduction to Programming with Threads, P2 1989

"Generally speaking, anything that the human mind can conceive can ultimately be produced."

David Sarnoff (1891 - 1971)
Looking Ahead, 1968 

"[He] who, saying that the World was supported by a great Elephant, was asked, what the Elephant rested on; to which his answer was, a great Tortoise: But being again pressed to know what gave support to the broad-back'd Tortoise, replied, something, he knew not what."

John Locke (1632 - 1704)
An Essay Concerning Humane Understanding, 1689

"Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes, biology is about microscopes or chemistry is about beakers and test tubes."

Michael R. Fellows and Ian Parberry
Computing Research News, 5(1):7, 1993