The System Namespace

Contains fundamental classes and base classes that define commonly-used value and reference data types, events and event handlers, interfaces, attributes, and processing exceptions.
-Microsoft .NET API browser

The handles Using_System and Using-Namespace-System are an homage to the time I've spent learning and working with C# and C++ and the friends I made along the way. They also feel quite appropriate in a tech blog.

Brian Recktenwall-Calvet

Quantum Feature Space

In an earlier project exploring early probabilistic methods of language processing, it became clear how massive the feature-space for word-vectors is. Modern needs to process large volumes of natural language don't scale well using early probabilistic methods for modeling language. In this project I am…

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Brian Recktenwall-Calvet

Exploring Term-Document Matrix

This is part of a project on extracting word representations using statistical language modeling techniques. This part includes rudimentary corpus preprocessing, tokenization, vectorization, and inferences within the vector space model. The corpus is a public domain dataset of a million news headlines from the Australian…

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